So, I’m back for a one-off post… because guess who got in touch with me? Pinterest. Only my favourite ever website. The website that showed me that there’s a whole community, nay, movement, that loves pinning and stalking dreamy pictures as much as I do. It’s my virtual happy place. A glass of red, a whole evening free of any kind of admin or decent telly, and a spot of Pinterest, and you won’t find me more content. If you’re not sure what it’s all about, in a nutshell it’s an online pinboard and tool for collecting, organising and sharing beautiful ideas and images from all over the web. An online scrapbook, really.
Pinterest has changed me in so many ways, and I’m not even being dramatic. I now have a passion for tinkering around the kitchen… cooking, if you will. Whereas, pre-Pinterest recipe ideas, I felt adventurous if I added herbs to a spag bol. I’m bolder with my fashion choices… I’ve actually got items in my wardrobe that aren’t a shade of black, which would have been unheard of a few years ago. My home has never looked prettier – it used to be all cottage-shabby-“chic”, but now I’ve embraced a classic modern look, geometric prints, and a metallic infusion. Put plainly, I have an obsession with gold. I’ve discovered beauty blogs that have completely changed my skincare regime for the better, I’ve found daily inspirational quotes that I now live by, and which have shifted my outlook on life, and – this has been a biggie – because of Pinterest, my readership has risen massively. As in, a huge proportion of my traffic comes from the site… hopefully, because people trust my taste and style, and believe it’ll translate on my blog.
Or something.
One of my favourite boards out the 28 I lovingly tend to, is the one entitled Made Me Smile. Basically it’s a collection of things that make my heart squeeze and sing… the things that make me happy. They don’t really fit in anywhere else, so they get a board of their own. Why not go take a look? If you like every single one of the pins, then you never know… we could be sisters from another mister. It’s possible.
And if you haven’t signed up to Pinterest already, you’re truly missing out, my friends. It’s a whole new world out there. With Facebook filled with kids-supposedly-doing-the-funniest-things and people moaning about the weather, I can’t think of a better place to escape to for peace, quiet and a plethora of beautiful things.
While we’re at it, take a peak at the shamazeballs boards of Jenny and Beth – all in the name of pinning the love forward.
I’ll be back soon… thanks for sticking with me, lots of love xx