I apologise that 5-post weeks are a rarity at the moment. The truth is that days don’t currently have enough hours in them in order for me to tackle my ‘To Do’ list in its entirety (don’t organise a wedding, move home and move jobs at the same time… just don’t), and sadly my beloved blog is feeling the brunt of it. As always, I will do my best. Today’s post is a home tour that I’m really excited about showing you. Now, do you and your partner have differing interior tastes? Like, polar opposite differing interior tastes? Good, because this might help you. I love vintage, Tom loves modern, so whilst he drools over stainless steel kitchens, I go ga-ga over one-of-a-kind French dressers. You see the dilemma. But this Victorian semi seems to combine both traits, with subway tiles and cornicing for me, and folding patios doors and sleek shower fittings for him. Perfection. What do you think of this look?
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- A Cup of Jo
- A Diary of Lovely
- A House in the Hills
- Arianna's Daily
- Breakfast at Toast
- Bright.Bazaar
- Elements of Style
- Emily Henderson
- Florence Finds
- Live Creating Yourself
- Lunacy of Ink
- Making Magique
- Paris in Four Months
- Park & Cube
- Rue magazine
- Sometime Traveller
- Studio McGee
- Stylist magazine
- Swoon Worthy
- These Foreign Lands
- This is Your Kingdom