in their own words: jennifer lopez

As featured in Glamour UK, June 2012

{words & images via Glamour}
On looking after her twins: “It takes a village – you do really learn what that means once you have kids. It’s a juggling act, just like any single mom. They just started school, three times a week, I have to travel without them here and there, so it’s really important they’re surrounded by family when I’m not there. They come first, though. I like to wake up with them. I like to put them to bed. That’s how we do it so they feel loved, happy and like what they are – the most important thing in my life.”
On her posse of female friends: “Oh my God, my girlfriends are everything to me. They celebrate with you, cry with you, hold you when you need to be held, laugh with you. They’re always there, a priceless thing to have.”
On keeping a new relationship private: “It matters. Especially at the beginning of a relationship. To give something a chance, to really get to know somebody, you want to do it out of the public eye. The media, they want to rush everything. Give their seedy opinions without knowing all the facts.”
On cosmetic surgery: “I’d like to think I’ll age gracefully, but then I think, ‘Well, what if I do want a little bit of something?’”
On what she’s carried through from previous relationships: “I think I’ve finally learned the biggest lesson of all. You’ve got to love yourself first. You’ve got to be ok on your own before you can be ok with somebody else. You’ve got to value yourself and know that you’re worth everything.”

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