As featured in UK Elle Magazine, June 2011
{words & images via Elle}
on her past relationship with Justin Timberlake: “I think people’s mentality is, “It didn’t work out!” But like, what didn’t work out? What’s supposed to happen? I think a lot of people are married to people that they’re not romantic with any more. I just didn’t ever marry anybody that I then had to get divorced from. We break up. We move on. All I want from him is his happines. And all he wants is my happiness. His isn’t reliant on me, and mine isn’t on him. It was at one point; we had that moment.”
on loving being 38: “I know what works for me, and I know what doesn’t, and that is a huge relief. By the time you’re in your mid-thirties, you’ve gained some knowledge – you’re like, “Oh yeah, I totally get it” and then, in your late thirties, you start applying what you’ve learned, and your life just opens up.”
on her hardcore health regime: “I love it. I have never, ever watched what I eat in my life, but I do now. I’m off the fried foods. I’m very thoughtful about what I eat. If you’re gonna do heavy lifting, and you want to stay small, you have to watch what you eat. You have to give your body the right nutrients and really think about what’s best for it.”
on the pressure to get married: “People are always asking me, “Do you want to get married? Do you want to have children?” My family doesn’t ask me that. They don’t put that on me. They never have. They know that if I want to get married, I’ll do it. They don’t think I’m out there stranded, without what I want. They see me active in my life, balancing everything that’s important to me, and if that’s part of what I want, at any point in my life – and who knows, it might be in the future – then that’ll be that.”
on learning to love change: “Life is not a happy ending. You never arrive at a point where nothing ever changes or happens again. I’m a visual person, so when I think of a challenge or change, I’ll envisage myself in the ocean, and I’ll see waves coming at me, and know that if I dive under the wave, I’ll shoot out the other side. There are so many rewards waiting there; you just have to go for it.”
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