in their own words: emily blunt

As featured in Elle UK, May 2012

{words & images via Elle UK}
On meeting the Obamas: “I was so starstruck… we were at the White House having cocktails and this woman said, ‘Would you like to meet President Obama?’ They introduced me and then he turned to me and went, ‘Oh. Oh. You are a wonderful actress.’ And I laughed, screechingly and hysterically, I couldn’t stop. They had to usher me away. I fell apart. I don’t know what happened to me. He looked nine-feet tall. I think my eyes rolled back in my head. I gave Michelle a hug and she had skin like silk.”
On having a stutter as a child: “It was hard. I’d want to ask to go to the toilet but couldn’t get the words out.”
On being freaked out by bugs: “We (Colin Firth and myself) were filming in this really damp, run-down old house in North Carolina. I was sitting with my make-up artist and all of a sudden she just went, ‘Oooooooooooooooah!’ I looked around and it was like the sound had cut out – everything went into slow motion. It was a cockroach, like, this long (she holds her fingers about four inches apart) just sitting right on my shoulder.”
On her red carpet style: “I like to mix it up, but I don’t care what people say about what I’m wearing on the red carpet, because there’s inevitably going to be someone who hates it, even if you wear something that a lot of people like. I don’t care. I know what I like and what I feel good in and I like to take a few risks. They’re not huge strides.”

at home with brooke shields

Although I love showing inside celebrities homes (somehow it makes them seem more human), they’re not always entirely to my taste. Until now. I’m not sure there’s much that I would change about Brooke Shields’ drop-dead-gorgeous Manhattan townhouse. I’ve only recently been swooning over grey walls (see here) and kitchen pendants (see here). And you know what? I’d even go so far as saying I’d happily live with that brown bedroom… with that fire lit, I bet it’s cosy as anything. Finally, can we please discuss her four-poster bed? *thud*

{images via}

j’adore dior

Mila Kunis has been on the ‘Girl Crush’ list for a while now (pretty much since this red carpet appearance), so when I heard she was the new face of Christian Dior and fronts the label’s spring/summer 2012 Miss Dior handbag campaign, I had to take a look. Wowzers. Natalie, who?* As for those bags, I’ll take the red quilted one please. Or any of the others… let’s be honest. Tell me, lovely readers, which one would you go for?

{images via}
*Portman. Obv.

fancy {good} friday

For those of you in the UK, how amazing is a 4-day weekend?! Although I intend to relax and unwind as much as possible, weddings will also be a theme of the next few days. Tom and I are attending a wedding in the Shire on Sunday (oh, I do love a good wedding), as well as sorting out details for our own nuptials, which are just 5.5 short months away. Sweet lord. Better get on that. How about you? Any exciting plans for the extended break? Are you as inspired as I am to paint some eggs in one of my favourite colour combos (see here) of pink and gold?

{image via Fabulous K}
Now, Brooklyn is a tricky one. Sometimes, I have to say, she looks a hot mess. But when she gets it right, boy does she blow it out the water. Like here… how amazingly elegant does she look? Sleek in Stella, with a gold belt to add interest and simple hair to keep the dress the star of the show. As for my room of the week, the preppiness pulled at my heart strings. The combo of the grey door frames, white wainscoting and some cheeky ikat meant that I was a gonner:

{images via prphotos & Emily A. Clark}
I hope you have a lovely weekend whatever you’re doing and wherever you may be…

sanctuary in paris

It Girl, Fashionista, Muse, Girl about Town, whatever you want to call her, Olivia Palermo has it pretty sweet. Not only could she wear a hessian sack and make it look expensive, but her job is to travel the world and stay in the most fabulous hotels, attend glamourous parties, sit on the F-ROWs of whichever shows she chooses, and shop. Oh and she goes out with the equally genetically-blessed Johannes Huebl… which can’t be a huge strain on her, let’s be honest (please can they just get married already, can you imagine the wedding?).
So in homage to OP, here are some pics from the Lifestyle Mirror taken when she and Huebl took “refuge” from the paparazzi (poor lambs) in Paris’s Le Meurice hotel. I especially love the second photo down; they’re clearly thinking, “Look at how good we look, it’s hilarious!”. And if you want to feel a little bit nauseous, there’s a black and white video of them dancing in the woods. Like you do.

{images via}